Dive head-first into the hottest, freshest VR porn sites on SecretLives.org where we’ve got all the new shit you’ve been itching to try. You like 'em young or old? Hung or petite? We out here sourcing the filthiest, most immersive smack you’ll ever have the pleasure of jacking it to, all updated in real-time. You think I’m playing? Man, strapping that headset on is gonna warp you straight into a world where your darkest fantasies ain't just fantasies anymore. They’re moaning right in your ear and talking dirty to you. They're bent over right in front of your eyes looking back at you with that "come get it" look. We've scoped every corner of these sites for your jerking pleasure. And when I say we've got everything – man, I mean we’ve got teens barely legal but ready and eager; MILFs who know exactly what they're doing milking every last drop; and if step fantasy is your thing—stepmoms and stepsisters just dying for some hanky-panky. And don't even get me started on kink! Leather-clad dommes ready to punish their subs; teachers bending students over desks; public disgrace fantasies where everyone can watch… Saw something in a dream that turned you upside hard? Bet there’s a scene already waiting somewhere. This ain't one of those half-ass mainstream VG's either. This is up-close HD virtual banging that makes conventional porn look like yesterday’s fucking news! So hop over to SecretLives.org – our list literally spans from vanilla soft-core sweetness (if that gives you a buzz) all the way down to whatever shady alley fucks tickle your fancy. It's there because if it gets people off, why shouldn’t we have it? Remember: On SecretLives.org what happens in VR stays in VR – maybe that’ll keep your peepers peeled and joystick worked until nothing’s left but smoking barrels. Now quit messing around reading about this smut fest here and go throw yourself into it!